theOGT.TV at the 2014 Hangtown Classics Cars Show

Rob and Jon want to thank everyone that we had in and out of studio in 2012
Rob Charny and Sheriff D’Agostini discussed their views on this heartbreaking tragedy that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Sheriff D’Agostini discussed the shooting and answered Rob's and participants' questions. Advocates on both sides of the gun-control debate commented. The discussion included teachers with guns and the cost of full-time sheriff deputies at local schools. Sheriff D’Agostini also talked about the recent decision in the Moore v. Madigan case in which the Chicago-based 7th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down Illinois’s ban on carrying ready-to-use firearms. In that case Judge Richard Posner's decision makes it very clear that the right to self-defense entails more than just allowing people to keep guns in the home. The Sheriff talked about the department's Gun emergency response plans and how the SO provides after action counseling. The discussion included advice on how CCW holders should react if confronted by law enforcement.
theOGT.TV is at the Norman Rockwell exhibition at the Crocker At Museum in Sacramento, CA
So we have to tell you how difficult it was to so this short show. Between the acoustics and the fact that the powers that be at the Crocker Art Museum didn't really trust us and had security with us at every turn. We did the best we could. Here we were offering a way to get more visitors, and they really didn't want us in there.
Rob Charny