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About Madtrio Podcast

The Guys from Reel Flix Reviews are back this time its no holds barred be prepared to laugh, cry, and leave angry comments because the Madtrio are here


MadTrio Podcast - Episode 014

The generous trio allow you bask on their glory while they discuss crabs, weddings, reptiles, Trump, politics, guns, and pedos in the catholic church


MadTrio Podcast - Episode 013

The most beloved trio talk Aretha Franklin dies, Who is America?, new UK archeological sites, NPC personal ads, medical research and some practices, and snake oil cannabis salesman.


MadTrio Podcast Episode 012

The royal trio the porcelain throne discuss video games, anime, naked kitten man, astronaut training passing along message, child actors from 90's, Jim Carey doing a kid show, Kane's election, and Jon Cena in cockblockers.


MadTrio Podcast - Episode 011 - Video Edition

The trio of justice allow you to be entertained by Jon's bonnet, censoring properly, James Gunn, and inappropriate public humor.


MadTrio Podcast - Episode 010 

The trio bring your dose of melodrama and discuss Elon Musk, guy changes ups address, el chapo, new joker origins, Pen and Teller Fool Us, Dwayne Johnson, Tom Hardy as Venom,  etc.